Clients come first.
Since the beginning, our primary goal has been to put our clients first. It’s a simple philosophy which has taken us where we are today.

We strive to ensure that our client is kept apprised of developments and resolution opportunities. Communications and reporting are not burdens, but rather essential opportunities to know and understand the client’s business and perspective.
We are with you through the entire process of a dispute and understand that litigation is not always the best option for our clients’ interests. Because we frequently try lawsuits, we recognize that often the client’s interests are better served through settlement or mediation process. To that end we strive to evaluate cases as early as possible. We believe that in evaluating a case early we satisfy two objectives: to identify opportunities to eliminate unreasonable fees in cases that need to be resolved and to identify the cases that should be tried. Preparation of a case for trial often provides the best opportunity to resolve the case. If it does not, then there is no last-minute duplication of effort. If necessary, we can and will try the case and handle any appellate issues that arise.
We are conscious of the fact that our clients are left with the consequences of the legal arena long after the lawyers have gone home. With this goal in mind, we seek to understand the effects of litigation in the client’s bigger picture. We believe our capabilities in trial often bring about more favorable settlements. It is also this knowledge that allows us to prepare a case properly from the beginning, eliminating duplication of effort and moving the case forward to a resolution. There is no substitute for trial experience in understanding the areas to focus on in discovery. Although they may from time to time become necessary, we detest discovery fights. We use our trial experience to pick the most fruitful discovery battles. It is with this same knowledge that we maintain an appellate caseload. We believe the best way to hone trial skills is through active appellate work.
Big firm service,
small firm relationships.

We strive to offer the advantages of big firm service with the hands-on availability of a small firm. To better serve the client’s needs, we strive to maintain continuity by properly staffing cases and keeping the assignments in place.
We can and do travel across the United States. At any given time, we are active in state and federal courts in Texas, Illinois, California, New York, and many other states. We have active licenses in a multitude of courts from the district level to the appellate level.